Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Am I in a One-Sided Relationship?

If the love between you both isn’t reciprocated after a reasonable of amount of time, you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment. You need to be honest with yourself about what’s really going on because you KNOW when they are into you! Fantasizing over what you hope will happen isn’t reality, and it will keep you stuck in a place you should never allow yourself to be.

Photo by Vijay Reddy thupally from Pexels

Why Do I Always Ignore the Big Red Flags in New Relationships?

Red Flags are big warning signs that you should be paying close attention to when you are first getting to know someone. The fact that you are “ignoring” these flags shows that you know they are there but you would rather put up with them in a relationship than to be single and lonely. Hanging around and hoping things will change is not a healthy scenario to put yourself it.

My Boyfriend is Still on Social Media With the Girl he Cheated With!

Your boyfriend does not seem to feel any regret about cheating on you and he is keeping his options open by staying connected with this other woman. This is not OK. If you allow the men in your life to disregard your feelings and play on your self-worth, you will continue to attract these similar dating patterns.

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