Why I’m done trying to be “man enough” | Justin Baldoni Ted Talks

Justin Baldoni Ted Talks

This is such a great TED Talk video with actor Justin Baldoni! He discusses what it means to be “man enough.”

Being a man isn’t all about how macho he can be but more about how important it is to be a kind human being in general. Things have changed between the sexes in the millennium and there is a lot of confusion about what our roles are today.

Many men were not taught how to express their feelings are not used to showing vulnerability around other guys or women in some cases. There is still a lot of peer pressure to be a manly man tough guy.

Justin discusses what he has learned over the years and how he is still learning things every day. His marriage has helped him understand in a stronger sense due to the communication level his wife and him share. They both listen to each other.

That is the key to having a strong relationship. Always hear what your partner has to say. You may not always like what is said, but it is important for them to be heard at the time it is discussed.

We all appreciate receiving validation that our partner hears and cares about what we have to say. They respect us and vice versa.

I have written posts on so many topics regarding men and women dealing with dating & relationships today. Both sexes are learning how to love themselves and to find a love connection as well.

There is still way too much stereotyping going on out there which is a big saboteur in finding a partner. We need to embrace the yin and yang that is in all of our makeups, be as authentic as we can be and not feel judged by doing so.

Its time for both men and women to be REAL! <3

Sybersue xo

Susan McCord @ The Dear Sybersue Advice Show

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