Is It Time for a Dating Attitude Makeover?

Are you really sick and tired of dating right now? Are things constantly not working out for you and pissing you off big time?

Are you in the mind frame of giving up on dating because there isn’t anyone out there that interests you? Do you have a hard time getting past the first date or even meeting someone to date?

I am sorry to have to say this but it is definitely time for you to have a “dating attitude” makeover!

There is something that you are doing that is not allowing you to have a loving partnership and it is time to get to the root of the problem. Negativity attracts more negativity so if you are constantly complaining about what isn’t working for you all the time, you will not attract what you really want.

Whether you believe that statement or not, it is the truth and is proven over and over again in all aspects of life.

It’s time to look on the bright side and remove those repetitive dark images that you have allowed to crowd your everyday thinking.

Even if you aren’t saying these things “out loud” you are thinking them on a regular basis. When you keep going back to those deflated thoughts, “There is no one out there for me,” “Dating sucks!” you will begin to truly believe and convince yourself of the truth in this statement.

This also goes for all of you who have given up on finding love and are cocooning at home saying, “What is the point?” You are still surrounding yourself in a defeatist attitude even if you aren’t talking openly about it to anyone.

But for those of you who are getting out of the house and making an effort to meet someone be careful not to surround yourself with people who also have a negative vision of dating. If your friends are becoming a “misery loves company” scenario, you need to change that up fast. Hang out with happy people, it’s contagious!

There is someone for everyone, so stop sabotaging your own happiness because of things that haven’t worked out for you in the love department. You are in charge! Fix it!

If you go out for the evening with a pleasant attitude and you are fun to be around, you will shine a light that people will be naturally attracted towards. This is not spiritual hoopla it is a fact.

You are lovable and desirable as is everyone on this beautiful planet we live on. When your heart and mind are ready to receive that special person into your life, it will happen. You just have to deprogram those negative inner voice demons that keep haunting you.

Being aware of what’s not working and that something needs to change within yourself, is half of the battle.

Attitude is everything and will make or break all your walks of life. Please watch the video above to see how you can improve what may not be working right now and learn how you can start to improve it tomorrow.

Susan McCord

The Dear Sybersue Talk Show YouTube

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