Why do my boyfriend and I keep breaking up and then getting back together

Why Do My Boyfriend and I Keep Breaking up and Getting Back Together?

There can be some difficult learning curves when it comes to matters of the heart, but there are some valuable lessons to help you gain insight, along the way. The trick is not to repeat mistakes or negative patterns of past relationships, so you can continue to move on in a better direction.

Are You Sacrificing too Much to be in a Relationship?

Are You Sacrificing too Much to be in a Relationship?

The first rule of thumb in any partnership is that you need to respect yourself first if you want to be respected by your partner. If you are always giving in to your partner’s needs and sacrificing your own, you will be living in a very unbalanced relationship. Valuing yourself is so important if you want reciprocated love with someone.

Dear Sybersue couples who play together stay together

A Big Reason Why Many Relationships DO Work Out

We often hear how many relationships break up and how difficult it is to have a long-term committed connection with someone, but we don’t always hear the positive take on when things do have a happy ending. There are many relationships that do flourish and stand the test of time. Here’s why…

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