Dear Sybersue: Why do so Many Guys Expect me to Have Sex With Them on the First Date?

Canadian Talk Show Host Susan McCord (AKA Dear Sybersue) answers Kristine’s question:

Dear Sybersue,

Why do men think it is their right to have sex with a woman on the first date? They actually expect me to have sex with them without so much as a discussion on the subject!

I am not a provocative woman and I am not giving my body to just anyone. Do guys not understand that many women get very attached when they are sexual with someone? Plus, they don’t know me or where I have been and I certainly don’t know where they have been!

What the Hell is going on out there? Don’t guys want any substance in the woman they are dating or is it only about the sexual conquest?  Call me crazy Sybersue, but I kind of like getting to know my  date for at least a few hours (sarcasm) before jumping in the sack with him. My girlfriends feel the same way and we are getting tired of it all. Guys wonder why women seem rude and standoffish; well maybe this is one of the reasons why.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thanks Kristine 🙂

Susan McCord @

One comment

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