Yes 2016 Sucked but Can we all Just Stop & be Grateful?

celebrity-deaths-2016-large_trans_nvbqzqnjv4bqpjliwavx4cowfcaekesb3kvxit-lggwcwqwla_rxju8-pngCelebrity deaths in 2016 captured in one photo Photo Credit: @ChristheBarker / Twitter

2016 has been a tough year for so many people and I think many of us are glad to see the back of it and welcome 2017 in with optimistic open arms.

We have lost way too many amazing people this year, had an “wide eye opening” election in the USA, devastation in Syria, Hurricane Matthew, The Fort McMurray Fire, Brexit, numerous acts of terrorism on innocent people around the world, The Zika Virus, senseless shootings and so on!

How does one stay positive with all of this?

❤ We have to be grateful for what we do have! ❤

We need to remind ourselves of the blessings in our lives and not let “world news” control our existence. The more good energy we put out as humans it will eventually out-weigh the bad energy.

In other words the more we come together as a united team, there will be less followers drawn to the dark side.

Write down what you are thankful for and read it every day. What do you appreciate in your life? Say it out loud.

When you wake up sad or go to bed angry, read something meaningful or watch something beautiful to get your mindset into a more positive direction.

The more time we dwell on pessimism and what isn’t working in the world, the more depressed and helpless we feel. We need to remind ourselves of what brings us joy and what puts a smile on our loved ones faces.

Sometimes YOU need to be the strong one to keep others from feeling broken and discouraged. One person can make a huge difference in someone’s life.

What I am Grateful For and Appreciate Every Day:

1)  I am grateful for my son & my husband and appreciate them for who they are. I am very proud of both of them and blessed to have them in my life. I love them unconditionally.❤

2)  I am grateful for medical research and the great strides they make on a yearly basis. I appreciate all doctors/surgeons and their incredible devotion to helping people. They are my heroes!

3)  I am blessed to have the gift of being a writer and being able to express my thoughts whenever I can.

4)  I am grateful that I live in a part of the world where women have a voice and are respected.

5)  I am grateful for animals in all varieties and the love they exude. Whenever I feel sad I find a funny pet video and my mood changes dramatically.

6)  I love & appreciate young children and their innocence and curiosity. Just watching them for a few minutes every day puts a big smile on my face.

7)  I am grateful for my long term friendships and our shared memories over the years.

8)  I am appreciative for the demise of some of my past friendships & love relationships as there were lessons learned that changed me to be a better person.

9)  I am grateful for all the support I get from my talk show & blog subscribers! You are all so appreciated! This is proof that complete strangers can be there for each other and that is very powerful!

10)  I am truly grateful when I can make a small difference in someone’s life in different parts of the world; because I truly care about ALL people and their happiness. There is no room in this world for predjudism.

11)  I am grateful that my family lives close and for our visits every few months to celebrate birthdays & other special occasions.

12)  I am grateful that I can stay positive most of the time but when I can’t, I have the available tools to bring myself back before too long.

13)  I am grateful for my home, the food on my table and the clothing in my closet.

14)  I am grateful that I can walk, talk, hear, see and show love to others.

15)  I am grateful that I have so many things to be grateful about.

My wish for everyone here on this amazing planet is to literally stop & smell the flowers in front of them. Fighting for power or religious beliefs depletes what we were meant to do with our short time here in this world.

Why are we destroying the beauty of something we were given so graciously? It saddens me very much but I will continue to make a difference whenever I can and I will continue to see the bright side of life and repel the darkness.

“Peace on Earth & Good will Towards Man” is my 2017 wish for everyone. Don’t give up believing that you can make a difference in this world.

Happy 2017!

Susan McCord @ The Dear Sybersue Talk Show

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