Advice for Men ~ How Much Interest Should I Show a Girl in the Beginning?

Marco asks Dear Sybersue a question regarding how much interest he should show to women he is dating in the early stages. What is too much?  Should he play it a little cooler?

Dear Sybersue,

I am enjoying my new dating life at the moment but I am still unsure whether my initial conversations with women are a bit too much sometimes.  If I like a woman I compliment her and tell her things like I am attracted to her, enjoy her sense of humor and tell her I would like to see her again.

I am not into playing games and want to be honest from the first date!

Is this OK or should I be pulling back more and keep her guessing?  My guy friends say I am way too nice and think I am a bit of a pushover. What do you think?  I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Thank you!


Please click on this link below to read Dear Sybersue’s answer


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